To Mom & Dad on Baby’s First Thanksgiving

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Our Apple Pie this year…. Literally the only “Thanksgiving” thing we got done…

A first thanksgiving can be a big deal, which can feel like a lot of pressure. What traditions are we going to start? What will we make? Company or no? Are the grandparents coming to visit?

All that pressure can feel stifiling. So, from one parent to another, let me say you are doing great. Even if thanksgiving this year is a rotissery chicken and store bought pie (or pizza), the holiday is goring to be memorable.

Focus on making memories. Talk about what you might want traditions to be. Don’t worry if things aren’t exactly how you want or thought they would be. You will cherish the memories all the same.

Our first thanksgiving with the baby was a turkey made on the grill… and nothing else. We didn’t even eat it on thanksgiving, we got the turkey carved up and then passed out on the couch with the baby asleep in the baby box between us. For all our intentions, nothing was even close to perfect.

To sum up: you are doing great. Even when it doesn’t feel that way. Even when holidays or visitors add pressure. You are doing great. You are the best parents your baby could have. They chose you, and you are enough.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jane Reid, the primary author of Unprepared Mom and STEM 911, is an educator, tutor, women’s rights advocate, and mom. Here to make your life easier one article at a time.

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