Is Toddler Milk Safe?

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Formula companies have come out with toddler milk in a bid to keep parents buying formula for longer. But is toddler milk safe?

This story by the Atlantic calls toddler milk’s safety into question. Toddler milk is full of corn solids and sugars. Since toddlers should not have any sugary drinks, there is concern that this formula comes too close to a sugary drink for comfort.

I started my child on toddler transition milk when we weaned her from breast milk at 1 year. We used it as a supplement as our little one was only just starting solids and we wanted to stretch my breast milk as long as possible. But now I am trying to transition her to something closer to whole milk. I am just not comfortable with the sugar content.

What do you think about toddler milk? Do you use it? Why or why not? Comment below!

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Is Toddler Milk Safe?
Is Toddler Milk Safe?
Is Toddler Milk Safe?
Is Toddler Milk Safe?
Is Toddler Milk Safe?
Is Toddler Milk Safe?

Jane Reid, the primary author of Unprepared Mom and STEM 911, is an educator, tutor, women’s rights advocate, and mom. Here to make your life easier one article at a time.

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