Starting A Weight Loss Journey

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I’ve been feeling run down. Tired all the time. Exhausted. Everything is sore, and I am always hungry. I’ve been rationalizing it. “You only just got approved for working out. You’ve been on bedrest or light duty for two years, of course you are tired.” I would say to myself.

Then yesterday I got on the scale.

294. Two hundred ninety four pounds!

No wonder I’m tired. No wonder I don’t feel well.

This is the heaviest I’ve ever been. And it ends now.

I deserve to feel better. I deserve to feel healthy. My daughter deserves to have a mother for a long time yet. And I deserve more energy. None of that will happen if I don’t get in shape right now.

Beginning a Workout Routine

I was never the person who wanted to workout. In fact, I failed every single gym fitness test my whole life. I have never successfully run a mile, touched my toes, or done a pull-up. But now, finally, at the ripe old age of 31 it is time to finally get into shape.

So how do I start a workout program? I don’t have time to run to the gym every day, and even if I did it would have to be one with day care for the little one. And then I would have to learn how to use the machines… which means hiring a personal trainer for a little bit. Honestly, that is out of my price range.

I need something that teaches me what to do while keeping me motivated. Luckily, I am easily motivated by maintaing a streak, as evidenced by my over 300 day streak on duolingo (never miss duo!). So I know I can build a habit.

For the next month, I’ve decided to use an app to help me. I used to do yoga, so I wanted something that could get me back into that practice. But I also need something more. Something to get my heart rate up. And ideally something to help record my food intake.

To that end, I’m going to try 8fit. I’m a little disappointed you can no longer access them through their website (meal planning would be so much easier online), but I wanted to see what an all inclusive app would provide, and at $60 per year it is the most affordable I’ve found (as of December 2019). In addition to 8fit, I’m going to be using youtube to get back into yoga. There are so many free classes on there I can’t afford to pass them up.

The goal is to do one yoga session and one workout from 8fit every day.

My Daughter Eats Healthier than I Do…

I am a fantastic cook. In fact, I really enjoy cooking. It is one of my hobbies. But I’m not great at cooking super healthy.

I try. I really do. But my husband does not make it easy. He is an unapologetic carnivore. He wants his steak with a side of steak, and if you really really need a side he will capitulate with some potato. When cooking for (and with) him, it is difficult to remember the veggies and even harder to prioritize them.

That needs to change.

Change is hard. Like really hard. It is time to relearn balance. So I registered for 8fit’s premium option. It will be giving me food recommendations.

For the first couple of weeks, I’m going to be using them as a guideline more than actually following the recipes. Mostly because I need to eat through the food I already have. Once we’ve eaten through our other food, we will start following their plan much more strictly.


Losing weight isn’t easy. It is especially not easy after having a baby. Everything in your body has changed.

My long term goal is to lose 100 lbs over the course of this year. This month I am just focusing on building a routine and cultivating healthy habits. I’ll check in periodically and let you all know how it is going.

What are your health goals? How do you plan on meeting them?

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