Why I Send My Child to Daycare

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I am a stay at home mom. Yes, I do a lot of work online, but my main priority is taking care of my daughter. My days revolve around taking care of her and taking care of the house. I am very much a stay at home mom right now.

So why did I start sending my daughter to daycare two days a week? Daycare does things for my daughter’s development that I can’t easily provide.

As a new mom in a new area, I don’t have much of a support network. I tried and tried to find mom groups and baby and me classes to take my daughter, but none of them worked. The mommy groups would be at odd times, meet sporadically, or were targeted at the wrong age of child. And my area just doesn’t have any mommy and me classes available. But socialization is important, so a solution needed to be found.

I was spending almost 40 hours a week trying to find avenues for my daughter to make friends. It was too much, I wasn’t able to get anything else done.

So we looked into daycare. We didn’t have much money to throw to daycare, but we did have enough to send her to daycare for two days a week. We found a nice Montessori school she could be in until she is 12, and enrolled her.

Now I have two days free a week to get work done, and she gets 16 hours a week of play with other kids. It is fantastic.

At daycare she is learning how to be independent, how to make friends, and that we will always come back for her. Those are foundational lessons that I can’t easily impart on her at home. And the daycare can provide more opportunities to interact with different toys, games, and situations than I could easily provide.

Every family has to make these decisions for themselves. Mixing day care with home care makes sense for our family. Even if you are a stay at home parent, you may want to consider daycare for a few days a week.

How does childcare work in your family? Let me know in the comments below.

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Why I Send My Child to Daycare as a SAHM
Why I Send My Child to Daycare as a SAHM
Why I Send My Child to Daycare as a SAHM
Why I Send My Child to Daycare as a SAHM
Why I Send My Child to Daycare as a SAHM
Why I Send My Child to Daycare as a SAHM
Why I Send My Child to Daycare as a SAHM

Jane Reid, the primary author of Unprepared Mom and STEM 911, is an educator, tutor, women’s rights advocate, and mom. Here to make your life easier one article at a time.

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